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Data Analysis and Regression with Stata
Econometrics with R Studio
Macroeconomic Analysis with application to Matlab
Policy Design and Implementation
Time Series Data Analysis Using Stata
External Sector Analysis
Introduction to Data Analysis using STATA
Intermediate Data Analysis using STATA
Advanced Data Analysis using STATA
Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation
Policy Analysis and Preparation of Policy Papers (Position paper, Policy Brief, Policy Pitch and Memo)
Introduction to Panel Data Analysis Using Stata
Policy Design and Implementation
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Differences in the Formation and Development of Informal Settlements and Their Effects on Residents’ Health and Safety
Mutsa Chiromo, Medical College Wisconsin – 1st year medical student I am very…
Differences in the Formation and Development of Informal Settlements and Their Effects on Residents’ Health and Safety
Hannah Kovacevich Reflection In the summer of 2023, I had the opportunity to…
Differences in the Formation and Development of Informal Settlements and Their Effects on Residents’ Health and Safety
Kabagambe Ishyaka Bertrand Participating in the research project concerning Variations in the establishment…
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Bmply dummy text of the printing and typesetting indust Lorem Ipsum has been theitry's snce simply dummy text of the printing.Phasellus enim libero, blandit vel sapien vita their. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscino eiusmod tempor incididply dummy text of the printing.
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