Tailor-made Trainings


Advanced Data Analysis using STATA

The course in data analysis using STATA is a technical level course meant for those who have either completed both the introductory and intermediate courses or those who apply STATA in their routine research work. The distinction of this course is that it will equip participants with skills to handle…

Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation

The aim of this course is to impart the technical and managerial competencies needed to monitor the performance and evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness, relevance and sustainability of development programs and projects. Participants will learn to use various management tools and techniques for effective project monitoring, control and reporting. They will…

Policy Analysis and Preparation of Policy Papers (Position paper, Policy Brief, Policy Pitch and Memo)

Public policy analysis has been described as the art and craft of “speaking truth to power” (Wildavsky, 1987). Policy analysis aims to provide evidence-based analysis and advice to guide the development and implementation of public policy/programs — and influence the work of government agencies and other stakeholders. Policy analysis requires…

Introduction to Panel Data Analysis Using Stata

Panel data/longitudinal data refers to the data with observations about various cross-sections across time. One example is GDP data on East African Countries in the 1980-2020 period. For each cross-section (i.e. an entity: country, industry, or firm), information is collected for various time periods. Panel data has some advantages such…

Policy Design and Implementation

The current development thinking suggests that the policy framework is critical in determining the performance of firms, farmers, households, and public sector bodies. This course will introduce the concept of public policy, the policy design and policymaking process, and the determinants of policy success and failures. Trainees will be introduced…